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Partying talent.png

Partying is a talent which mainly provides combat abilities to lower a mob's Tension (soothing). Unlike other combat-based talents, all of the skills in Partying have the potential to soothe mobs. The talent can thus be valuable in countering angering effects from other combat-based talents, regulating the damage increase from angered mobs.

Gaining experience

Partying experience can be gained by using related skills on a mob before defeating them while in combat.

Outside of combat, quests can also award experience to Partying alongside other talents upon completion.


Some abilities in Partying damage mobs while simultaneously soothing them. Others apply slow and stun debuffs, or help to re-balance a mob's tension.

Icon Name TP Energy Effects
PillowBarrage.png Pillow Barrage 20 40 EnergyIcon.png Damages a single target up to 20 m away for 50 HealthIcon.png, while soothing by the same amount.
CandyShower.png Candy Shower 20 50 EnergyIcon.png Creates a stationary area of effect with 7 m radius for 12 s, dealing 9 HealthIcon.png damage (soothing) per second to all mobs in range, while slowing them by 30%. Upgrades allow for building Sugar Stacks on a mob.
SugarCrash.png Sugar Crash 500 40 EnergyIcon.png Consumes all Sugar Stacks on a single adjacent target. Each sugar stack consumed deals 20 HealthIcon.png (soothing) damage.
ChangeOfHeartIcon.png Change of Heart 500 30 EnergyIcon.png Applied to a single target up to 10 m away. If the target is currently angered, lowers their tension by 25%. If the target is currently soothed, raises their tension by 25%.


Players can specialize in the Partying talent by completing the quest Sugar at the end of their Foal Story Arc.

Talent mastery

The maximum level that players can reach in Partying is 50.