Windigo Body

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The windigo body is one of two parts of the windigo costume, the other part being the Windigo Mane. When the windigo body is worn, your original tail will be hidden. The windigo body only has one colour that affects the appearance of the entire item. The windigo body's default colour hex code is 77C1DB.

Because of the textures used, both the windigo body and the Windigo Mane have a sort of subtle glowing effect to them, which consequentially results in their colouration appearing a little bit lighter than it actually is. (See the pictures below.)

What the windigo body looks like being worn on a creature, showing off the subtle glowing effect. (The windigo body in the picture being the same colour as the dark purple in the creature's mane and inner-ears, 8E98FF, yet still looking different for that reason.)
Unfortunately, the windigo body's front leg wisps will clip through your back legs if you're a child.