The Misty Past

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The Misty Past refers to a period of time lasting from an unknown date to 400 BH. It is mentioned in Dr. Dusty Scroll's book, Equestria: A History - Volume 1: The Misty Past and the Age of Division.

There are four major historical periods within The Misty Past.

Pony Origins

Popular theories about pony origins claim that ponies were created by divine beings, or that advanced creatures inhabited the world before being wiped out by aliens. Meanwhile, much of the scientific community insists that evolution was the true reason behind the existence of ponies, while others dispute that ponies are far too complex to simply be a product of evolution.

Early Civilization

The earliest confirmation of pony civilization is marked at the 9th century BH. These ponies are believed to be nomadic, and aside from The Meadows Pendant and stone tools, there are no other remaining artifacts. This is believed to be a consequence of having primarily cloth-based artifacts. Life was harsh during this period, and since the unicorns and pegasi had not mastered their skills, life was considerably harder. There would also be frequent clashes with other species. The teamwork which arose from this time period has created the foundation for the concept of Harmony.

Agricultural Societies

By the 8th Century BH, ponies would begin to settle and form agricultural societies due to pressures from larger herds, and a search for stable lives. The settlements from this time period are partially preserved, making it easier to study the settlement of ponies.

Formation of City-States

Another increase in population would result in the rise of city-states, and the creation of governments. This would also allow the ponies to develop their talents. Earth ponies created the largest settlements, while unicorns would study magic to create artifacts and spells. The pegasi would master the weather to control the seasons.