Ruby Sunset

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Ruby Sunset is an earth pony who can be found in Applewood. She can be seen sitting near the edge of a large cliff overlooking the rest of the town.


  • "Don't drink the water. They put something in it. Or maybe I did, I don't remember."
  • "Hmm... when we say "everypony", does that just include ponies, or other species as well?"
  • "Sometimes, I random verbs."
  • "I think it's horrible the way we treat the buffalo, but not horrible enough that I want to do anything about it."
  • "Ponies say I have a really, really short - oh look, a butterfly!"
  • "When I grow up... oh wait, I'm already grown up."
  • "Apples are great and all, but honestly I think the ponies here are kind of obsessed with them."
  • "The world is dark and cold. I mean, it's bright and hot right now, because we're in Applewood... but trust me, it's dark and cold."

Hallowtide Candy Quest

Ruby Sunset gives you candy replenish their candy stock every 5 hours, real time.