Happy Paws

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Happy Paws is an earth pony NPC standing in front of the pet shop in Cantermore central. In the future she'll likely sell pets as merchandise.


  • "Welcome to my store!"
  • "Hello there, here to buy a new pet?"
  • "Nutrition is just as important for pets as it is for ponies!"
  • "Cats can say so much with their ears... When they're straight up they're listening carefully, but when they're folded back, they are furious!"
  • "I know adopting an older pet seems scary, but they'd love a new home just as much as a puppy or kitten."
  • "Did you know sometimes dogs will like their dry food with a little water dribbled on it? Changes the texture of it, and can make it easier for them to chew!"
    "Sure, I have some candy! Just promise you won't give it to any animals, it can get them very badly sick, and remember to only eat a little at a time. It's better for your teeth, plus it'll last a lot longer!"
    "Oh wow! I actually ran out, and I don't give away too much. I'll just have to get a little more. Come back a little later after I've had time to maybe restock, and then I'll give you a great treat!"

Player Responses

"Happy Hallowtide! Can I have some candy, please?"