Bunny Suit

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This costume is a mix of both the Bunny Ears and Bunny Tail, with the addition of a full-body jumpsuit, or should i say... Hopsuit? Badum tsss! It has three colours, the first affects appearance of the hopsuit and the outer-ears, the second colour affects the appearance of the inner-ears, and the third colour affects the appearance of the tail.

While you cannot normally wear two pairs of fake ears, the game will let you do so if you equip a pair with the costume, and for some strange reason, the texture used for the costume appears to be different from the texture used for just the Bunny Ears, for while the colours on them will appear darker in the shade, this is not the case for the costume. This may or may not be intentional.

A creature wearing the bunny suit in the shade, showing that the colours remain the same, unlike the bunny ears, which appear darker in the shade for some reason.
A creature wearing donkey ears with the bunny suit.